Jumat, 11 September 2009

Internet and Computer work in the SI Laboratory


I just learned the new way to make a blog.

I was using a free microsoft software called “Windows Live Writter”.

In Windows Live Writter, we can write our blog although our computer is currently offline.

After that, we can directly upload it to our blog easily..


Now, blogging is more fun and easy.

4 komentar:

  1. hi

    nice blog

    don't know what else I must say :P

  2. Did you and Chandra learn this in one of your other classes, because he just blogged about Live Writer as well?

    A few suggestions:
    add a link to "live writer"
    are there any competitors to this program?

  3. yeah,,
    we learn about it in the Lab work in Mr. Katon's class on friday night,,

  4. yeah,
    we are learning about windows live writer during the lab work in Mr Katon's class in fryday night.

    I have a silly problem,
    why can't Install it in my Vaio?
